1-800-963-4267         | hanstravelusa@gmail.com

Dear Ryan

Dear Ryan

“Ryan Choi of Hans Travel arranged our recent trip to Seoul. I highly
recommend Ryan. He was simply super! He found us several sale fares that
worked with our strange schedule. And he did so very quickly, with

excellent customer service. Our trip was fantastic! Much too fast, but
wonderful. We look forward to going back to Korea with our adopted son,

and taking much more time than our recent whirlwind trip. Of course, we

will call on Ryan and Hans Travel when that time comes. We are grateful

to you, Ryan, for all of your help in making our trip a very smooth one.

My family thanks you and wishes you very Merry Christmas, and a
wonderful New Year!

Nomu kamsahamnida!

Branson Kimball

Durham, NC”

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