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TitleHans travel’s planning and service were always excellent.2022-03-07 16:16

My wife and I always wanted to travel to Egypt for many years. When HANS travel came out with a plan to go to Egypt in Feb 2022, we signed up even though there are many worries about security and Covid test requirements, especially from family, relatives and friends.

It was our first international trip after the pandemic, so we read and watched a lot of related material vigorously like “only the paranoid survive”. However, we found out it was not necessary on the first day of travel. Covid testing was just another step to travel to other countries. The tourist security in Egypt is excellent in our opinion. Egyptian police escort the group all the time. We felt very secure throughout the trip.

We toured nine days visiting places along the Nile river starting with Abu Simbel, Aswan, Komombo, Edfu, Luxor, Cairo. Historical and archaeological sites in every city were breathtaking. We will leave this excitement to you.

I am certain that you will be delighted by how great travelling Egypt is. I suggest you travel to Egypt by joining a group tour run by a reputable travel agency. I have been travelling with HANS travel group tours for the last ten years. Hans travel’s planning and service were always excellent.


Doewon Park

